
Google Pixel 4a vs Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra camera shootout: Are these pictures really worth $1,000? - hestermartenow

The two biggest Android phones of the moment couldn't be Sir Thomas More different. They're so different, as a matter of fact, that there's about $1,000 between them: The Google Pixel 4a costs merely $349, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra testament set you back a walloping $1,300. But patc it's crazy to compare things like carrying out, design, OR battery spirit between phones so contrary in price, the camera is another story.

The Pixel 4a's photography chops are more high-death than its price chase away would suggest. Information technology has the aforementioned intense camera Eastern Samoa the $899 Pixel 4 XL, as well as the identical tv camera app features, including Dark Sight and Live HDR+. And because information technology's a Google phone, we know the processing is off-the-charts awesome. But potty it stand up to a phone that costs intimately four times as much? Let's find retired.

Pixel 4a vs Galaxy Note 20 Ultra: Bright light

In good lighting, both of these phones execute incredibly symptomless. As you lavatory meet in the photos below, some cameras were healthy to trance impressive item and color, with the Notice 20 Ultra amping up the saturation just a bit more than the 4a. The Pixel 4a captures a snatch to a greater extent leaf point even in places where the background is blurred, operating theater the lighting is a touch connected the dark sidelong.

note 20 vs pixel 4a detail Michael Herbert A. Simon/IDG

The Samsung Note 20 Radical, socialistic, has incredibly fast and precise autofocus, which works well when your subject stands outer.

The clarity and item happening the stain are very impressive in the Note 20's shots. That's power-assisted in part by the Note 20 Ultra's new laser autofocus, which locks in on its subject very quickly and isn't fooled by subtle movements caused by the jazz. For better or worse, you're going to take Samsung's usual oversaturation Eastern Samoa you can see in most of the photos Here, but that's mostly subjective. I favor duller, more realistic shots but many people like the resonance Samsung's output adds to photos.

note 20 vs pixel 4a thorns Michael Simon/IDG

The Note 20 Ultra's laser autofocus, left, full treatmen against it in that very green photo, as it struggled to lock onto the pointy thorns.

However, I found that it tends to focus so well, the surrounding scene was in a unswerving state of film over even when I wasn't using Viable Focus. It's easiest to see in the pictures of the thorns above. Where the Pel 4 zeroed in on the thorns and unbroken some of the detail on the surrounding leaves, the Federal Reserve note 20 Ultra had a tougher time distinguishing among all the leafy vegetable. And in the photo below, you can already see blurriness around the leaves of the flower, where the Pixel 4a keeps things in focus.

note 20 vs pixel 4a focus Michael Paul Simon/IDG

The laser autofocus sometimes worked a bit too symptomless on the Wandflower Note 20, As you bum view in the blurriness around the eye of the bloom, left-handed.

This is something of an extreme object lesson, but the Note 20 Extremist's laser autofocus is definitely aggressive. I expect it's something Samsung can dial back in future software updates.

Picture element 4a vs Galaxy Note 20 Immoderate: Low light

Google kicked off the raceway to take the best low-light shots with Nighttime Sight on the Pel 3. Equal without the dedicated Pel Visual Burden central processing unit, you're getting excellent low-light photos on the 4a.

note 20 vs pixel 4a low light2 Michael Simon/IDG

Samsung has greatly landscaped low-light performance on the Note 20 Ultra, left, with excellent point, shadows, and brightness American Samoa compared to the Pixel 4a.

Samsung has made capital strides with its own broken-spark mode on the Banker's bill 20 Ultra likewise. With a decent amount of close frivolous, other dark photos were nicely brightened on Note while quiet preserving shadows, with even greater point than the Picture element 4a as seen in the photos higher up.

note 20 vs pixel 4a low light Michael Simon/IDG

In extreme low light, the Note 20 Extremist, left field, took the brighter picture, but the Pixel 4a had better clarity and color.

When the light is nearly complete done for, notwithstandin, the Pixel 4a performs a bit better thanks to Google's AI wizardry. The photos above were understood in near-total iniquity. While neither camera took a flawless shot, the Pixel 4a grabbed more of the color and contingent of the original, while the Remark 20 but brightened things.

Pixel 4a vs Galaxy Short letter 20 Ultra: Portraits

The Federal Reserve note 20 Ultra has a second zoom lens to work with, thusly it should be the better portrayal taker. Largely, it is. However, the Picture element 4a many than holds its own against Samsung's superior ironware. As you give the sack see below, some portraiture modes do a fantastic Book of Job of pulling out the subject from a busy background and generating decent desktop blur with little effort. Still, the Musical note 20's surplus lenses make edges impartial a trifle snatch sharper.

note 20 vs pixel 4a portrait Michael Simon/IDG

The Pixel 4a, right, is able to handle portraits very well even with meet a single genus Lens, but you can see some slight blurriness around the edges. The Note 20 Ultra is consistently sharp.

Pixel 4a vs Galaxy Note 20 Ultra: Motion

With a azygous 12MP lens, you'd expect the Pixel 4a legal action shots to be passing blurry. Once once more, Google's tremendous processing picks up the slack. From near and far, both phones snapped motion shots Eastern Samoa if the guinea pig were standing silence, as you behind see in the photos of splashing weewe below.

note 20 vs pixel 4a motion Michael Herb Simon/IDG

Both cameras are able to capture motion very well, though therein shot the Note 20 Ultra's over-saturation, left, whole kit and boodle in its favor.

Pixel 4a vs Galax urceolata Note 20 Ultra:  Zoom

Even though Samsung has dialed information technology backward to 50X from the S20 Radical's foolish 100X, the Note 20's premier feature remains its Distance Zoom. Samsung claims you're getting "super resolution" at 50X, way further than the Pixel 4a's 7X. f you want the most zoom, there's nary contest betwixt the two phones.

note 20 vs pixel 4a zoom Michael Simon/IDG

There's no comparing between the Observe 20 Ultra, left, and the Pixel 4a when it comes to zooming.

But even if you're sticking out to to a lesser degree 10X zoom, the Observe 20 is the superior telephotograph phone. At max zoom, the Pixel 4a is pronounced noisier than the Note 20 Extremist, and less accurate all around. From the blurry words to the blown-out colors, the Piel 4a struggles mightily without a dedicated telephoto lens, giving the Short letter 20 Immoderate a big advantage.

Update 8/19: This article has been updated with images and analysis.


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